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Atypical TB: and SUPPLEMENTS

(July 12)


There are many people who believe that their Diet provides them 
with all the elements they need.

I am Not one of them! – even though my Diet is 95% Raw and Unprocessed

i know if i just relied on it to provide my body with all it needs it would be fantasy.

I have tried both ways, several times, with and without supplements

and have always confirmed a marked difference very convincing to me.

Adding the Fact of a Serious Illnes such as A-TB (MAC)
and the heightened need for Extra - for me, leaves no space for argument.

There have been many different combinations of Supplements i have used

throughout the time, both Before as well as During the TB illness

and there have been many modifications i had to make in the recent years

according to specific needs and /or intolerances at a time.

The Current Regular Daily vitamins and dosages i am on, are :

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The Current Regular Daily vitamins and dosages i am on, are :

A Mixed Carotenoids 30 mg  x 1daily

* B Complex  (High milligram strength) 3-4 per Day.

                         (1 with each meal and 1 at bed time )

B3 (500mcg)  3 per day – total of 1000m – 1500 mcg

          (1+2 halves of a 500mcg or 3 x 500mcg)
   I prefer the  Niacinamide form because it does not cause flashing

B5 –Calcium Pantothenate 3 Daily –total of 750 mg
                                                    (2 with meals and 1 at bed time)

B 12  One to two daily 1000 -2000mcg with meals

Vitamin C total of approx. 2000 mg per day divided into 3-4 dosages  
   I prefer the Calcium Ascorbate in Powder form because it is of higher strength
   and non acidic to the stomach, plus i have repeatedly found it much more 
   effective during Colds, Flu or Lung Bleeding.
   (1 with each meal and 1 at bed time)

* E Mixd Tocopherols 500 IU x 1 Daily with first meal of the day

* Probiotics ABC Friendly Bacteria as in Yoghurt
   (Inulin in capsules gives me headaches)

I used to also take B1, B2 and B6 and Folic Acid at different times
as well as Cod Liver  Oil and Fish Oil

At some point i had to drop one at a time for different resons

-B6 because it gave me very vivid piercing dreams -not very peaceful sleep.
-B2could not notice any benefit for taking extra on top of what on the B Complex
-Folic acid due to containing sulphites in the tablet, causing me asthmatic reaction
-B1 caused sudden spontaneous bleeding while taken with the ones below 
-Cod Live  Oil and Fish Oil
because they are blood thinners and caused me severe bleeding.
Many stop starts confirmed the finding above before i had to eventually
 test them individually and then give them up.

Amino Acids in complex form or individually also due to hydroxy type 
   of processing, gave me strong kidney pains 
   resulting in severe migraines as well.

Minerals also i had to drop due to the kidney and severe migraine problems
   but i could tolerate the Calcium Hydroxyapatite  form alone
   until all Aussie Companies gradually changed their formulas 
   and could not find it on its own

* Gingko Bliloba also dropped as per above due to blood thinning quality
St John’s Wart i stopped only due to fear of possible drug interaction

Valerian,  Echinacia and a variety of other Herbs
I had to stop only when my kidneys could not process too many binder and fillers
especially the sulphite content that caused me asthmatic reaction.

Recently after the Termination of antibiotics i have gradually been adding
some of the supplements and introduced two New Herbs of which i discovered
great Lung Benefits and will describe in detail in later more appropriate entry.

Some Personal Findings and Comments about the Supplements
i used to take - as well as taking Currently:

Additionally to the generally known Nutritional Benefits of each, i have found

* B Complex  Has a deep, nerve calming, relaxing effect

B3  Taken during the day has also a strong relaxing effect
          and taken at night just before bedtime it works like a sedative
          and helps sleep well

B5  During Stop/Start periods i have experienced a strong general feeling
          of wellbeing when on.

Vitamin C   
       One of the most marvellous most miraculous substances on Earth
                        i use it to facilitate absorption of all other vitamins 
                        I also use –increased dosage- during colds and flu 
                        and especially to stop or minimise Lung bleeding. 
                        In general i find it helps and works for everything!

* E Mixd Tocopherols  Helpful in healing wounds faster, especially when taken
                                           with Vit C, as well as having anti-clotting effect.

* Calcium Hydroxyapatite  Taken at bed time together with B3 
                                  helped to have a quieting  effect on the brain 
                                 resulting in a deeper more restful sleep

Gingko Bliloba    Anti-clotting effect but combined with other blood thinners
                                   can cause bruising or bleeding problems

Valerian     Calming effect during the day,  Restful sleep during the night

St John’s Wart  Same as Valerian but with a more general, permeating effect.
                                 I only used during the day.

*  Echinacia  Very effective during cold and flu

There is another herb connected with heart and circulation but cannot temporarily
remember its name. This too i had to drop for the above reasons. 
If /when i can remember the name i will add it here because it felt good 
before the problems and perhaps not taking all of them at once
but alternately for a period of time each, may not cause any problems.

Knowing beforehand can be helpful in monitoring. 

(Addition 10 Aug 12)

While preparing one of the upcoming entries dealing with Detoxification
i had a sudden brilliant idea to look into my old diaries for any specific
supplements i used some time back.
There i discovered not only those but so many that i had totally forgotten
that belong in this current Entry, so i am adding them in a list below:
Amino-Acid Complex, L-Tryptophan ,L-Tyrosine, L- Methionine, 
Cysteine Hydrochloride, Phenylalanine, Melatonin, Lactoferrin,
 Inositol, Biotin, Vitamin D, Magnesium Orotate, Iron plus, DHEA,
 and Alfa Lipoprotein.

There are a  few Questions that were raised in my mind
after seeing this long list of Supplements that i was taking back then
compared to how few i have been able to take recently
-due to kidney intolerance causing severe reactions-
and i am actually rather Surprised i am still alive...

* Do i believe that having been taking all these Supplements
  Aided in keeping me fairly Well and Alive for so Long or was it a waste of money

  - YES! ... they did, together with the Swim and Highly Nutritious Diet

* Have i noticed any change whenever i stopped taking some of them?

  - YES!... repeated On and Off has confirmed so several times

* Do i believe if i could take as many now as used to before
  i would be in a better condition than i am now?

- YES!... but not as good due to lack of Swimming.
I have been making an effort to add gradually whatever i can
and watch for results. One of the common problems is that many tablets
and capsules contain Sulphites that cause an asthma similar reaction.
Taking one or two does not cause much of a problem but as i add
more and more i start to feel as if my chest is closing in on me
and have to take them alternately and give it a break
but something is perhaps better than nothing... until this principle
proves itself wrong...

Previous Entry:  AtypicalTB and Diet

 Next Entry: Atypical TB (Mac): Inflating the Lung

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for *Atypical TB–My Story*
 Revised, Improved, Updated Entries

                     *Atypical TB–MAC*                     

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